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Books by Debbie Stanley

Cover of book The Organized Musician by Debbie Stanley, as presented at a 2017 South By Southwest workshop

Don't believe the hype: A musician's life doesn't have to be perpetual chaos. Organization might not come naturally to you, but you can learn it. And if you want to make your living as an indie artist, you must learn it.​

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Cover of book Ethical Pitfalls for Professional Organizers by Debbie Stanley - "groundbreaking" - "sure to launch a renewed commitment to integrity"

Ethics is something we know we should uphold, but trying to grasp it feels a lot like herding cats. In this book, organizing and productivity professionals discover a strategic and, of course, organized approach to understanding ethics, mitigating risk, avoiding harm, and encouraging honor in themselves and each other.

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Cover of book Newbie Pitfalls: 50 Obstacles to Success as a Professional Organizer and How to Avoid Them, by Debbie Stanley - an industry classic - revised edition

Newbies in any field have some valuable advantages: Drive, passion, focus, a fresh perspective on longstanding problems. But they also bring significant risks to themselves, their businesses, and their clients. If you're a new professional organizer or productivity consultant, why learn the hard way? Let this industry veteran help you anticipate the hazards on your horizon . . . instead of regretting them in hindsight.

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